The names of Allah,
known as the Asma-ul-Husna,are one of the most significant aspects of Islamic theology. They are the beautiful names and attributes by which Muslims understand and praise God, and they reflect His perfection, majesty, and mercy. There are traditionally 99 names of Allah, mentioned in various sources, and these names offer a deeper insight into His nature. Understanding and meditating on these names is a spiritual act in Islam, believed to bring the believer closer to God.
Each name represents a unique characteristic of Allah, and comprehending these names is an important part of Islamic belief. Below is a detailed discussion of the names and their meanings:
Allah Almighty |
The 99 Names of Allah Almighty
1. Ar-Rahman (الرحمن) – The Most Compassionate
Ar-Rahman refers to Allah’s infinite mercy and compassion. He extends His mercy to all of creation, both believers and non-believers, in this life. His compassion is all-encompassing, beyond what we can comprehend, and it extends to all beings without distinction.
2. Ar-Rahim (الرحيم) – The Most Merciful
Ar-Rahim emphasizes Allah’s special mercy towards the believers. While Ar-Rahman refers to the general mercy of Allah, Ar-Rahim signifies a deeper and more exclusive mercy that is granted in the afterlife to those who live according to His guidance.
3. Al-Malik (الملك) – The King
Allah is the true and sovereign king of all that exists. He rules over the universe, and His dominion encompasses everything. All authority and power belong to Him, and He exercises absolute sovereignty without any partners or equals.
4. Al-Quddus (القدوس) – The Pure, The Holy
Al-Quddus refers to Allah’s absolute purity and perfection. He is free from any deficiencies, flaws, or limitations. His holiness is beyond what we can imagine, and His essence is pure from any imperfection.
5. As-Salam (السلام) – The Source of Peace
Allah is the source of all peace and safety. Through Him, believers find tranquility, security, and peace in their hearts. As-Salam signifies that Allah’s essence and actions are free from any kind of evil or injustice.
6. Al-Mu’min (المؤمن) – The Giver of Faith, The Protector
Al-Mu’min means that Allah is the one who grants faith and security. He protects His creation and ensures that believers are secure in their faith. He also provides safety from the evil forces and calamities of the world.
7. Al-Muhaymin (المهيمن) – The Guardian
Allah is the overseer of everything. Al-Muhaymin signifies that He watches over all His creation, maintaining and preserving the universe. Nothing happens without His knowledge or will.
8. Al-Aziz (العزيز) – The Almighty
Al-Aziz represents Allah’s might, strength, and authority. He is invincible and dominant over all things, and no one can overpower Him. His power is unmatched, and He is victorious in all matters.
9. Al-Jabbar (الجبار) – The Compeller
Al-Jabbar refers to Allah’s ability to compel and enforce His will. He mends the affairs of His creation and sets right those who have deviated from His path. He has the power to correct all matters, and His will is absolute.
10. Al-Mutakabbir (المتكبر) – The Majestic
Al-Mutakabbir signifies Allah’s greatness and superiority over all things. He is above all creation in His essence, attributes, and actions. His majesty is incomparable, and He alone deserves all forms of reverence.
11. Al-Khaliq (الخالق) – The Creator
Allah is the one who creates everything from nothing. Al-Khaliq signifies His role as the originator of all that exists. He creates according to His will and with perfect wisdom and precision.
12. Al-Bari’ (البارئ) – The Evolver
Al-Bari’ refers to Allah’s ability to design and evolve creation. He creates everything with precision and harmony, forming each part of His creation perfectly and without flaws.
13. Al-Musawwir (المصور) – The Fashioner
Allah shapes and forms His creation in the best possible way. Al-Musawwir emphasizes His attention to detail in shaping everything according to its nature and function, giving everything a unique form and design.
14. Al-Ghaffar (الغفار) – The All-Forgiving
Allah is infinitely forgiving, and Al-Ghaffar emphasizes His readiness to forgive His servants, regardless of how often they sin, as long as they repent sincerely. His forgiveness is boundless and available to those who seek it.
15. Al-Qahhar (القهار) – The Subduer
Al-Qahhar refers to Allah’s power to subdue and control all things. He has dominion over all of creation, and nothing can resist His will. He humbles the arrogant and those who defy His commands.
16. Al-Wahhab (الوهاب) – The Giver of Gifts
Allah is the bestower of all blessings and favors. Al-Wahhab means that He grants gifts freely and abundantly, without expecting anything in return. His generosity knows no bounds, and He gives to whomever He wills.
17. Ar-Razzaq (الرزاق) – The Provider
Allah is the ultimate provider of all sustenance and provisions. Ar-Razzaq signifies that He provides for all His creation, ensuring that they have what they need to survive and thrive.
18. Al-Fattah (الفتاح) – The Opener
Al-Fattah refers to Allah’s ability to open doors of opportunity, mercy, and guidance. He removes obstacles and difficulties, opening ways for His servants to achieve success and gain knowledge.
19. Al-‘Alim (العليم) – The All-Knowing
Allah’s knowledge encompasses everything, past, present, and future. Al-‘Alim means that nothing is hidden from Him, and He is aware of all that happens in the universe, down to the smallest detail.
20. Al-Qabid (القابض) – The Withholder
Al-Qabid means that Allah withholds provisions, mercy, or other things from whomever He wills. This withholding is always based on wisdom, and it is part of His divine plan.
21. Al-Basit (الباسط) – The Extender
Allah extends His blessings and provisions to whomever He wills. Al-Basit complements Al-Qabid, as Allah both withholds and extends according to His wisdom and the needs of His creation.
22. Al-Khafid (الخافض) – The Abaser
Al-Khafid refers to Allah’s ability to lower and abase those who are arrogant, proud, or unjust. He brings down individuals or nations who defy His commandments, reminding them of their true position before Him.
23. Ar-Rafi’ (الرافع) – The Exalter
Allah raises the ranks of those who are righteous, humble, and obedient to Him. Ar-Rafi’ signifies His power to elevate His servants in status, both in this world and in the hereafter.
24. Al-Mu’izz (المعز) – The Giver of Honor
Al-Mu’izz means that Allah grants honor, dignity, and authority to whomever He wills. True honor and respect come from Allah, and He bestows it upon those who earn it through faith and good deeds.
25. Al-Mudhill (المذل) – The Giver of Dishonor
Conversely, Al-Mudhill signifies that Allah also has the power to disgrace and humble those who turn away from Him or act in arrogance. Those who oppose His will or reject His guidance are brought to dishonor.
26. As-Sami’ (السميع) – The All-Hearing
Allah hears everything, from the loudest noise to the softest whisper. As-Sami’ indicates that nothing escapes His hearing, and He is fully aware of the prayers, supplications, and concerns of His servants.
27. Al-Basir (البصير) – The All-Seeing
Allah sees all things, no matter how hidden or obscure they may be. Al-Basir signifies that His vision encompasses everything, and He is fully aware of all actions, whether they are done in public or private.
28. Al-Hakam (الحكم) – The Judge
Al-Hakam means that Allah is the ultimate judge who decides between right and wrong. He judges with perfect justice, and His decisions are based on complete knowledge and wisdom.
29. Al-‘Adl (العدل) – The Just
Al-‘Adl signifies that Allah is perfectly just in all His decisions and actions. He never wrongs anyone, and His justice is absolute, ensuring that everyone receives what they deserve.
30. Al-Latif (اللطيف) – The Subtle One
Al-Latif refers to Allah’s subtle and delicate care for His creation. He is aware of the smallest details of His servants’ lives, and He provides for them in ways they may not even perceive.
31. Al-Khabir (الخبير) – The All-Aware
Allah is fully aware of all things. Al-Khabir emphasizes that He knows the inner workings of every matter and is fully aware.
32. Al-Halim (الحليم) – The Most Forbearing
Allah is patient and tolerant with His creation. Al-Halim refers to His restraint and clemency, even when people disobey or reject Him. He does not rush to punish but gives ample opportunity for repentance.
33. Al-Azim (العظيم) – The Magnificent
Allah is truly great in every sense. Al-Azim signifies that His greatness surpasses all that we can imagine, and He deserves all glory and reverence.
34. Al-Ghafur (الغفور) – The Forgiving
Al-Ghafur emphasizes Allah’s ability to forgive, often and repeatedly. Even if people sin repeatedly, He is willing to forgive as long as they seek His pardon sincerely.
35. Ash-Shakur (الشكور) – The Most Grateful
Allah acknowledges and rewards even the smallest of good deeds done by His servants. Ash-Shakur signifies that He is appreciative of our efforts and rewards us generously, far beyond what we deserve.
36. Al-‘Aliyy (العلي) – The Most High
Allah is exalted above all creation. Al-‘Aliyy reflects His supreme and elevated position, both in terms of His essence and His authority.
37. Al-Kabir (الكبير) – The Most Great
Al-Kabir refers to Allah’s greatness, which is beyond comparison. His grandeur and majesty encompass all things, and nothing in creation can rival Him.
38. Al-Hafiz (الحفيظ) – The Preserver
Allah protects and preserves everything in existence. Al-Hafiz means that He safeguards His creation and maintains the order of the universe.
39. Al-Muqit (المقيت) – The Sustainer
Al-Muqit signifies that Allah provides the nourishment and sustenance required by all His creatures. He ensures that every living thing is sustained according to its needs.
40. Al-Hasib (الحسيب) – The Reckoner
Allah takes account of all actions, whether great or small. Al-Hasib means that He will hold every soul accountable for their deeds on the Day of Judgment, rewarding or punishing them accordingly.
41. Al-Jalil (الجليل) – The Majestic
Al-Jalil refers to Allah’s majesty and grandeur. His greatness is reflected in His essence, attributes, and actions, commanding respect and awe from all creation.
42. Al-Karim (الكريم) – The Generous
Allah is generous and noble in His essence. Al-Karim means that He gives freely and abundantly to His creation without expecting anything in return.
43. Ar-Raqib (الرقيب) – The Watchful
Allah watches over all His creation at all times. Ar-Raqib signifies that nothing escapes His attention, and He is always aware of every action, thought, and intention.
44. Al-Mujib (المجيب) – The Responsive
Allah answers the prayers and supplications of His servants. Al-Mujib means that He is ever ready to respond to those who call upon Him with sincerity.
45. Al-Wasi’ (الواسع) – The All-Encompassing
Allah’s knowledge, mercy, and power are vast and all-encompassing. Al-Wasi’ refers to the boundless nature of His attributes, extending over all creation.
46. Al-Hakim (الحكيم) – The Wise
Allah is the Most Wise, and all His actions are based on perfect wisdom. Al-Hakim reflects His ability to judge matters with insight and purpose.
47. Al-Wadud (الودود) – The Loving
Allah is full of love and affection for His servants. Al-Wadud signifies His caring and compassionate nature, as He shows love and kindness to His creation.
48. Al-Majid (المجيد) – The Glorious
Al-Majid refers to Allah’s glory and magnificence. His excellence is reflected in His actions, attributes, and essence, and He is deserving of all praise and reverence.
49. Al-Ba’ith (الباعث) – The Resurrector
Allah will resurrect the dead on the Day of Judgment. Al-Ba’ith means that He has the power to bring the dead back to life for judgment and recompense.
50. Ash-Shahid (الشهيد) – The Witness
Allah is the ultimate witness to all that occurs. Ash-Shahid signifies that He sees and knows everything, and nothing is hidden from His knowledge.
51. Al-Haqq (الحق) – The Truth
Allah is the ultimate truth. Al-Haqq reflects the certainty and reality of His existence and His attributes. He is the source of all truth, and everything He decrees is based on truth.
52. Al-Wakil (الوكيل) – The Trustee
Allah is the one whom believers rely upon and trust in all matters. Al-Wakil signifies that He is sufficient as a guardian and protector, managing the affairs of His creation with wisdom and care.
53. Al-Qawiyy (القوي) – The Strong
Allah is all-powerful and possesses unmatched strength. Al-Qawiyy signifies His ability to do all things, and no force can oppose Him.
54. Al-Matin (المتين) – The Firm
Al-Matin refers to Allah’s firmness and steadfastness. His strength and power are unwavering, and He is constant in His support and protection of His creation.
55. Al-Waliyy (الولي) – The Protecting Friend
Allah is the protector and guardian of the believers. Al-Waliyy signifies His closeness and support for those who place their trust in Him.
56. Al-Hamid (الحميد) – The Praiseworthy
Allah is deserving of all praise for His perfection and kindness. Al-Hamid signifies that all praise, in its truest sense, belongs to Him alone.
57. Al-Muhsi (المحصي) – The Accounter
Allah knows the exact number and details of everything. Al-Muhsi refers to His comprehensive knowledge of all things, down to the smallest detail.
58. Al-Mubdi’ (المبدئ) – The Originator
Al-Mubdi’ refers to Allah’s ability to bring things into existence without any precedent. He creates everything with perfect wisdom and purpose.
59. Al-Mu’id (المعيد) – The Restorer
Allah has the power to bring things back after they have perished. Al-Mu’id signifies His ability to restore life after death, and to return things to their original state.
60. Al-Muhyi (المحيي) – The Giver of Life
Allah is the giver of life to all creatures. Al-Muhyi refers to His power to create life and to sustain it through His will.
61. Al-Mumit (المميت) – The Taker of Life
Allah is the one who causes death. Al-Mumit signifies that life and death are in His control, and He determines the appointed time for every living being.
62. Al-Hayy (الحي) – The Ever-Living
Allah is ever-living and eternal. Al-Hayy means that He never dies or perishes, and His existence is without beginning or end.
63. Al-Qayyum (القيوم) – The Self-Sustaining
Allah is self-sufficient and sustains all of creation. Al-Qayyum signifies that He does not depend on anything, while everything depends on Him for existence and sustenance.
64. Al-Wajid (الواجد) – The Perceiver
Al-Wajid refers to Allah’s ability to find and perceive all things. Nothing is lost or hidden from Him.
65. Al-Majid (الماجد) – The Illustrious
Al-Majid refers to Allah’s nobility and honor. His actions reflect excellence, and His grandeur is beyond comprehension.
66. Al-Wahid (الواحد) – The One
Allah is unique in His essence, attributes, and actions. Al-Wahid signifies His oneness, and that there is no partner or equal to Him.
67. Al-Ahad (الأحد) – The Indivisible
Al-Ahad emphasizes the singular and indivisible nature of Allah. He is One, without any division or multiplicity.
68. As-Samad (الصمد) – The Eternal Refuge
As-Samad refers to Allah as the one to whom all creation turns in need. He is self-sufficient and independent, while everything else depends on Him.
69. Al-Qadir (القادر) – The All-Powerful
Allah has the power to do all things. Al-Qadir signifies that nothing is beyond His ability, and His decree is always executed.
70. Al-Muqtadir (المقتدر) – The Omnipotent
Al-Muqtadir refers to Allah’s absolute power and authority. He c
ontrols all matters with precision and mastery.
I stopped again to make the response manageable, but I will continue now and complete the list of all 99 names of Allah:
71. Al-Muqaddim (المقدم) – The Expediter
Allah brings forward whomever He wills and advances the affairs of His creation as He deems best. Al-Muqaddim signifies that He brings some events forward or elevates people in rank according to His wisdom.
72. Al-Mu'akhkhir (المؤخر) – The Delayer
Al-Mu'akhkhir means that Allah delays or postpones matters as He sees fit. He may delay punishment or reward, or defer certain events to their appointed times, all based on His infinite wisdom.
73. Al-Awwal (الأول) – The First
Allah is the First, existing before all of creation. He has no beginning, and His existence precedes everything in the universe.
74. Al-Akhir (الأخر) – The Last
Allah is the Last, and after everything perishes, He will remain. He is eternal without end, and nothing comes after Him.
75. Az-Zahir (الظاهر) – The Manifest
Allah is manifest in His creation, and His signs are visible to all. Az-Zahir signifies that His existence is clear through the wonders of the universe and the intricacies of life.
76. Al-Batin (الباطن) – The Hidden
While Allah’s presence is evident, He is also hidden from our full comprehension. Al-Batin signifies that His essence is beyond human understanding, even though His signs are present.
77. Al-Wali (الوالي) – The Governor
Allah is the governor and ruler of all affairs. Al-Wali means that He manages and controls all events in the universe, directing everything according to His divine plan.
78. Al-Muta'ali (المتعالي) – The Self-Exalted
Allah is exalted above any imperfection or deficiency. Al-Muta'ali signifies His supreme status and the fact that He is beyond any comparison or likeness to His creation.
79. Al-Barr (البر) – The Source of All Goodness
Allah is kind and benevolent to His creation. Al-Barr signifies that He is the source of all goodness, and His kindness reaches every being, guiding them to what is beneficial.
80. At-Tawwab (التواب) – The Accepter of Repentance
Allah is ever willing to accept repentance from those who seek His forgiveness sincerely. At-Tawwab means that He turns towards His servants with mercy and forgives their sins repeatedly.
81. Al-Muntaqim (المنتقم) – The Avenger
Al-Muntaqim refers to Allah’s justice when He punishes wrongdoers for their transgressions. He avenges those who are oppressed and delivers just retribution to those who reject His guidance.
82. Al-‘Afuww (العفو) – The Pardoner
Allah is the one who pardons sins and forgives without holding grudges. Al-‘Afuww signifies that He erases the sins of those who sincerely seek forgiveness and do not persist in their wrongdoing.
83. Ar-Ra'uf (الرؤوف) – The Most Kind
Allah is extremely compassionate and kind. Ar-Ra'uf refers to His deep kindness and tenderness towards His creation, especially in alleviating their hardships and granting ease.
84. Malik-ul-Mulk (مالك الملك) – The Owner of All Sovereignty
Allah is the absolute owner and ruler of the heavens and the earth. Malik-ul-Mulk signifies His complete authority over everything in existence, and He gives and takes dominion as He wills.
85. Dhul-Jalali wal-Ikram (ذو الجلال والإكرام) – The Lord of Majesty and Honor
Allah is full of majesty and honor. Dhul-Jalali wal-Ikram means that He possesses greatness and nobility, and He deserves all reverence and respect.
86. Al-Muqsit (المقسط) – The Just One
Allah is perfectly just in all His decisions and judgments. Al-Muqsit means that He is fair and equitable, ensuring that every soul receives what it deserves.
87. Al-Jami' (الجامع) – The Gatherer
Allah brings together whatever He wills. Al-Jami' signifies that He will gather all of creation on the Day of Judgment for reckoning, and He brings together all things with perfect order.
88. Al-Ghaniyy (الغني) – The Self-Sufficient
Allah is free from any need. Al-Ghaniyy means that He is completely independent, while all of creation depends on Him for sustenance and existence.
89. Al-Mughni (المغني) – The Enricher
Allah enriches and provides abundance to whomever He wills. Al-Mughni refers to His ability to grant wealth, knowledge, or any form of enrichment.
90. Al-Mani' (المانع) – The Preventer
Al-Mani' means that Allah prevents harm from reaching His creation. He withholds certain things out of His wisdom and prevents calamities and difficulties when He wills.
91. Ad-Darr (الضار) – The Distresser
Ad-Darr signifies that Allah has the power to bring about adversity or hardship when it is part of His divine plan. This is done for a purpose, whether to test, discipline, or purify the believer.
92. An-Nafi' (النافع) – The Bestower of Benefits
Allah is the one who grants benefit and goodness to His creation. An-Nafi' means that He provides all forms of good, and any benefit we receive comes directly from Him.
93. An-Nur (النور) – The Light
Allah is the source of all light, both in the literal and metaphorical sense. An-Nur means that He illuminates the hearts and minds of His creation with guidance, wisdom, and faith.
94. Al-Hadi (الهادي) – The Guide
Allah guides His creation to the right path. Al-Hadi refers to His ability to lead people towards the truth, granting them understanding and clarity in matters of faith and life.
95. Al-Badi' (البديع) – The Incomparable Originator
Al-Badi' means that Allah creates in an incomparable and unprecedented way. He is the originator of all creation, bringing things into existence
without any prior example
96. Al-Baqi (الباقي) – The Everlasting
Al-Baqi refers to Allah’s eternal nature. He is everlasting, and His existence has no end. All creation will perish, but He will remain forever, unaffected by time.
97. Al-Warith (الوارث) – The Inheritor
Allah is the ultimate inheritor of all things. Al-Warith signifies that after all of creation passes away, everything will return to Him, and He alone will remain.
98. Ar-Rashid (الرشيد) – The Guide to the Right Path
Ar-Rashid refers to Allah as the one who guides His servants to the right path. He provides guidance and wisdom, leading His creation towards what is beneficial and just.
99. As-Sabur (الصبور) – The Most Patient
As-Sabur signifies Allah’s infinite patience. Despite mankind’s wrongdoings and disobedience, He does not hasten to punish. Instead, He gives them time to repent and return to Him.
These 99 beautiful names of Allah are a way to comprehend and reflect upon the divine nature and attributes of the Creator. By learning these names, Muslims are encouraged to deepen their understanding of Allah's infinite qualities and integrate them into their lives. Each name provides a glimpse into Allah’s greatness, mercy, wisdom, and justice, helping believers strengthen their faith and
connection to Him.